Tuesday, February 25, 2014

[幼兒遊戲] DIY 幼兒黏土 Play Dough


(A) 1杯中筋麵粉, 1/2杯鹽, 2湯匙塔塔粉, 1湯匙食用油, 1杯熱水

(B) 食用色素(我家有3小瓶液體狀的), 還有準備一些麵粉用來搓麵糰用

(1) 把材料(A)攪和在一起揉搓成麵團。熱水我是在其他(A)材料攪和後慢慢分次加緊去揉搓。揉搓好的麵糰放在一旁靜置5分鐘。此時麵糰看起來可能有點太過濕,不用擔心,步驟(2)會添加麵粉來揉搓所以是OK的。

(2) 倒些麵粉在乾淨的桌面,取出適量步驟(1)的麵團來揉搓,並加入適量的食用色素。食用色素可先加一點在麵糰,揉搓之後若覺得顏色不夠可再添加。我的經驗是只需要幾滴,而且隔一天發現黏土的顏色有變深一點。

*由於我有三種顏色的食用色素, 所以我把步驟(1)的麵粉分成三等分做出三種顏色的黏土。


黏土的玩法有很多,一開始我是拿出廚房的小蛋糕模具組做蛋糕給晴晴玩。也有拿餅乾模具組。可是其實黏土的玩法太多了。例如:若小朋友已經會ABC的話,可以請小朋友用黏土做子母,或是人體的body parts,  透過這些玩法小朋友邊玩邊學,是非常好的遊戲喔。

1Y8M 的晴晴用黏土做小蛋糕請媽媽吃.

* 黏土玩完以後可以收在冰箱裡面,大約可以放個幾周。若下次想要玩的時候發現黏土太濕,可以再加一些麵粉揉搓就不會那麼濕了。

Saturday, February 22, 2014

See you soon!

We've been back to my parent's place since Chinese New Year. It's been almost a month now, which means we're heading back to Taiwan in D-4 days. Again, I am feeling melancholy which is perfectly normal.
I guess I will never be good at saying goodbye... Well... who would? 
I used to feel bitter, I still do sometimes, for the fact that my parents couldn't get to see my girl as often as their paternal grandparents. I imagine that when she grows bigger and bigger she will be reluctant to follow me home. Because, let's face it, she seldom be with my parents. So, I couldn't really blame her for not having that much love for them. But then again, I will have to remind myself, having loving grandparents is enough. I could not ask my children to love me the way I love them, the same theory applies for grandparents.

Instead of letting the negative feeling consumes me, I shall precious every moments I'm left with before this vacation ends. It's been a wonderful trip home, really. I'm back to my identity as a daughter to my parents, being pampered and all that. But I do feel guilty too, seeing my parents especially my mum get so busy each day just to get our stomach filled. I might be leaving again soon. But I leave knowing that we're so blessed with the love of our family back in Malaysia. 

It's not goodbye. For family, it's see you again soon.

Ms. 20months going 21. You're so stinkin cute!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Forsaken but not forgotten

Can't remember when was the last time I blogged.
And finally today I revisited here and read what i've written before and felt happy that I managed to blog bits of my life through this personal blog of mine.
I want to write again. I want to write down things that matter so that I could look back and smile (or cry) over the journey of life.

Thing is, life of a full time mum/housewife is demanding and exhausting. All I wanna do at the end of each day is to just lying down on my bed and let my fingers flying across my ipad and then go to sleep. Updates of life events are done mostly through instagram or facebook. They are good but to be able to write will be great too.

So... i'm back, talking to thin air here but well, maybe someday my offspring(s) will get to go back in time through this little space of mine in the www. Ha :)

No words :)