Monday, September 12, 2011

Long Weekend

Eat.Zone Out.Be Happy
Summary of the past long weekend holiday.
Yes Mid Autumn Festival is a public holiday here. 
Having a Monday off while the rest of the world work, is great.
We had BBQ on Saturday. Buffet dinner on Sunday. World-renowed Din Tai Fung Xiao Long Bao on Monday. We shared some quality time with the rest of the family. Took a stroll around this lake called the 梅花湖 which is said to be in the shape of a plum blossom. Then we headed to this restaurant which is said to serve nice & cheap buffet. The man sitting next to our table resembles my own father. I miss him. And my mum of course. 


At the quieter side of the lake.

記得小時候跟哥哥去學畫畫. 快到中秋節的那個禮拜六,老師帶來了很多很多的燈籠. 一字排開擺在桌上, 好漂亮. 老師說, 這些是給我們的禮物. 我們要以中秋節為題目來作畫. 然後老師會幫我們打分數.待所有的小朋友都畫好之後,老師把我們的畫作都放在地上, 開始選出她覺得畫的最好的畫. 這個小朋友可以優先選擇他想要的燈籠. 最後, 你們猜, 誰的畫被老師一眼相中? 竟然是自認沒有繪畫天分的我. 呵呵. 老師讓我先選我喜歡的燈籠. 天啊, 那麼多選擇. 我怎麼選? 我兩個哥哥在一旁起鬨, 叫我一定要選最大的金魚燈籠. 最後, 我也很驕傲的, 在那一年的中秋節, 提了我的大金魚, 跟其他的小朋友一起參加月光會. 這個美麗的童年記憶, 是少數幾個, 我到現在還記得的. 小時後在鄉下的生活, 真的很單純, 很美好  :)

Fun facts: 
1) 台灣人的傳統是元宵節(也就是農曆年的第十五天)提燈籠, 不是中秋節. 跟我們不一樣. 呵. 
2) 台灣人中秋節要烤肉, 所以很多家庭就在家門外辦烤肉聚餐. 我們也應應景, 跑到燒肉店去烤肉.


  1. Hi honey.. very interesting the sort of 'triptique' you made in the picture called 'happy'. Would you mind maybe sharing how you did it? A kiss from MIlan!

  2. Hi J, it's actually 3 separate photos put together by using a free photo editing software called "Photoscape". Hope this helps. Have fun exploring the new software! :)

  3. the polka-dot top is really cute! love it!
