Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Snippets of my Italy trip

The only Italian word I got to learn throughout the entire trip.

St. Peter Basilica, Vatican. One of the most beautiful church I ever visited. I love the Sistine Chapel which is decorated with paintings by several great Renaissance artist such as Michelangelo.

At Milan, the heart of fashion & super nice cars.

Cute houses called "Trulli" at Alberobello. 

Sending some loves from Venice while sipping the afternoon away at Florian Cafe aged 291 yrs old.

Marina Piccola from August's Garden, on Isle of Capri.

I love Capri, more than Venice.

Italy in Sepember is so hot, I got tanned.

A Capricorn at Vatican.

Roman holiday. And my favourite part? Pretty obvious isn't it?

If you have been to Assisi, you will know why I fall in love with the place.

San Gimignano, Tuscany. A lovely 山城 with breath-taking view.

The famous Blue Grotto -- 藍洞, Capri.

Grand Hotel Bristol in Stresa, one of my fav hotel stay in Italy.

And I shall never forget, the Gondola ride in Venice.


  1. wonderful!
    and i know how does the 291-year-old cafe look like.

  2. love all your outfits! and the pictures are just beautiful!

  3. Wowwwwwwwww lovely places!!!!!!!!
