We've been back to my parent's place since Chinese New Year. It's been almost a month now, which means we're heading back to Taiwan in D-4 days. Again, I am feeling melancholy which is perfectly normal.
I guess I will never be good at saying goodbye... Well... who would?
I used to feel bitter, I still do sometimes, for the fact that my parents couldn't get to see my girl as often as their paternal grandparents. I imagine that when she grows bigger and bigger she will be reluctant to follow me home. Because, let's face it, she seldom be with my parents. So, I couldn't really blame her for not having that much love for them. But then again, I will have to remind myself, having loving grandparents is enough. I could not ask my children to love me the way I love them, the same theory applies for grandparents.
Instead of letting the negative feeling consumes me, I shall precious every moments I'm left with before this vacation ends. It's been a wonderful trip home, really. I'm back to my identity as a daughter to my parents, being pampered and all that. But I do feel guilty too, seeing my parents especially my mum get so busy each day just to get our stomach filled. I might be leaving again soon. But I leave knowing that we're so blessed with the love of our family back in Malaysia.
It's not goodbye. For family, it's see you again soon.
Ms. 20months going 21. You're so stinkin cute! |