Monday, June 17, 2013

Life lately

1. She wore the sunglasses all by herself. Wore it upside down though.
2. I just couldn't get enough of her.
3. 乾吧乾吧乾杯! She just kept playing with the beer bottle. Hm.. like father like daughter I suppose. 
4. The day she discovered her own belly buttons, and mine (which is bigger to korek).
5. 大手牽小手. And I thought it looks cute!
6. She knew how to open the drawers. BAD news!! And took out all the clothes and threw them on the floor. 
7. Now anything could serve as a phone. She would grab the drumstick and make a sound very similar to "喂". And of course her childish voice makes it looks extra cute!
8. We finally had a peaceful dinner. Because baby girl slept throughout the 1.5 hours. Phew!

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